Once you become a “serious” stitcher, you start collecting books for reference. When I am too tired to stitch, or stumped by an area on a canvas, I take down a couple of books and dream up new stitch/thread combinations.

Amy Bunger’s “Cookbook for Stitchers”, a 3 volume set, was on my bookshelf before I became a shop owner. Each Volume ends with a comprehensive stitch index. These books are packed with stitches and ideas.

Volume 1 has 8 chapters that cover knots, Scotch stitch, Cross stitch, Straight stitches, Gobelin stitches, tent, woven and chain stitches and their many variations. The variations are numerous—for instance, there are 24 variations on the Scotch stitch. Each stitch is clearly diagrammed and clearly described, including any tricky bits. Amy also suggests uses for many of the stitches.

Volume 2 covers stitches for hair, Halloween and Christmas, as well as darning, eyelet, Byzantine, leaf and composite stitches. As in Volume 1, each stitch is diagrammed and clearly described.

Volume 3 has 2 chapters devoted to the Amy’s favorite stitch guide stitches. She also covers Bargello, blackwork, laid fillings and borders, Stitches to use for a garden scene and a chapter called “Dog’s Breakfast”. Included in that chapter are such stitches as Bishop’s Cross, Lemon Tart, Beads on a String, Nobuko and Hungarian variations.

We have this great reference in stock on our website.