Some of our customers have been adding a magnifier and light to their Needlework System 4 stands and are quite pleased.

Kathy writes “The System 4 Light Holder attaches quickly anywhere on the upper arm of your System 4 floor stand to provide a base for the magnifier scope and light. The magnifier provides 3 diopters worth of magnification with a halogen light (shielded) so seeing where your needle is supposed to go and where it is actually going becomes wonderfully clear. This magnifier, unlike other magnifier attachments you may have tried, does not distort the image near the edge of the area so that your canvas stays flat in the viewing area, a real plus for those of us who like to believe we have some hand/eye coordination. The light is ample and bright, but is not a “daylight” bulb, so you will have to check your colors before you settle in to stitch of an evening. The agility of the light and magnifier arm is impressive, moving with ease and allowing for just about every degree of adjustment you might need.”

The light and magnifier are available on our web site. If you don’t have one, you will also need the mounting clamp.